An index of posts from my new blog :
improperium Christi
(the reproach of Christ)
posts 1 to 300 | posts 301 to 600
Oldest posts are listed first:
- How many Incarnations of God are possible?
- Are the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit the same as the Seven Cardinal Virtues?
- Michael Voris of RealCatholicTV teaches heresy on the Trinity
- All Are Not Welcome
- The Will of God is One yet Three
- Is it always a mortal sin to miss Mass?
- In Defense of Father John Corapi - post removed
See these articles: SOLT Press Release |
- Wikipedia Errors on the Immaculate Conception
- How could Christ suffer the Passion and Crucifixion if He had the Beatific Vision at the same time?
- The moral law versus unjust laws
- Our threefold eternal happiness
- Did the human nature of Christ increase in wisdom, stature, and grace?
- In what sense is the new resurrected body like the old?
- Is anything impossible for God?
- The All-or-Nothing Attitude
- Do the molecules of bread and wine change at the consecration of the Eucharist?
- Contra Reginaldus on Miracles
- On the idea of a limbo of children in Hell
- The excommunication of Catholics who obtain a gay marriage
- Summary of posts on homosexuality
- From the Cross within Time, and yet from all Eternity
- Salvation for Atheists and Agnostics
- My new eschatology book is now available
- Salvation for Jews
- Does the Church oblige us to believe that some souls are in Hell?
- The Millennium of peace and holiness between the two Returns of Jesus Christ
- The Immaculate Conception and the body of Mary
- Ida Peerdeman Of Amsterdam -- Lady of all Nations
- Masturbation is intrinsically evil and a mortal sin
- Salvation for Muslims
- Questions to ask yourself before becoming a theologian
- Can women ever be ordained as deacons or priests?
- Church teaching on same-sex marriage and civil unions
- Wisdom on idolatry
- Which Catholic Church will you join?
- Contra Reginaldus on Anointing of the Sick
- More on the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
- book: The Second Part of the Tribulation
- My work as a Roman Catholic Biblical scholar
- Progress toward the start of the tribulation
- Michael Voris: doctrinal errors on grace
- Michael Voris: his senseless rejection of 'Amazing Grace'
- Salvation for the severely disabled
- Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich: free ebooks
- Correcting Confusion about the Identities of Persons in the Gospels
- My current thinking on the secrets of Medjugorje
- Heresies on Hell
- Heresy on the Limbo of Hell
- Is penance required for a valid Sacrament of Penance?
- Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church on Salvation
- To what extent may a faithful Catholic disagree with the Pope?
- Preparations for the Tribulation: food storage
- On the question of Women deacons
- Abortion: depenalization equals decriminalization
- The U.K. riots and the tribulation
- Jesus and the Canaanite woman: Divine insult or figure of speech?
- My reply to Fr. Ryan Erlenbush’s personal attacks
- The death of the Virgin Mary
- Contra Cardinal Ratzinger on Levels of Assent
- Roman Catholic teaching on Biblical inerrancy
- The Arab Spring, World War 3, and the Tribulation
- Summary of Dates in Salvation History
- Explaining the Catholic Faith online
- Biblical chronology: poor online sources
- Michael Voris: summary of doctrinal errors
- A little boasting about my parish priests
- The Only Unforgivable Sin
- Reply to Fr. Ryan’s Reconsiderations
- El Paso priest’s ad: the truth about homosexuality
- The canonization of Christopher West’s theology of the body
- More on the Penance Controversy
- Guilty murderer or innocent victim? (On duress and morality)
- Roman Catholic Voting Ethics Revisited
- Fr. Z. on the Penance controversy
- Illegal Immigration and Slavery
- Predestination and the Universal Salvific Will of God
- Natural Law and the Catholic Faith
- Sexual Slavery and Sexual Sins
- "Jesus Loathed The Pharisees"
- The Next Liberal Pope and the Ordination of Women Deacons
- Did Joseph and Mary have a valid Sacrament of Marriage?
- Is Bishop Zurek sinning by restricting Fr. Pavone?
- The cause for canonization of an assassin
- Mexico City Temporary Marriages Invalid
- The Marital, Unitive, and Procreative Meanings
- Catholic bloggers and Priests For Life
- How much influence should the Dead Sea Scrolls have on Bible translations?
- Contraception is intrinsically evil
- Iran’s role in the tribulation
- Can a devout Catholic be elected President?
- On the impending death of Pope Benedict XVI
- Worldwide Protests Prepare for the Tribulation
- The Year of Faith versus the Great Apostasy
- Latin Translation Error in Unam Sanctam
- The Three Popes prediction of Garabandal
- Heresy and the Priestly Ordination of Women
- Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity
- Gnats, Camels, and the New Mass Translation
- The Next Pope: Cardinal Arinze as Pope Pius XIII
- Thinking of using IVF? How many children are you willing to murder?
- Iran will soon have nuclear missiles
- Iran’s Nuclear Missile Checklist
- Teachers of Heresy within the Church
- Mitt Romney versus Judaism, Christianity, Islam
- The Antichrist and the false prophetess
- New ebook -- Notes on the Apocalypse: 2012
- Iran will nuke New York City
- Survival Guide -- Potassium Iodide tablets
- Invalid Consecration of the Eucharist due to Heresy
- The Next Papal Conclave
- Catholic Teaching on Contraception: a Summary
- Catholic Teaching on Abortion: a Summary
- Jeff Mirus' Grave Doctrinal Errors on Infallibility
- Automatic Excommunication for the Use of Abortifacient Contraception
- The Principle of Double Effect
- When was Jesus born? Scholars do not agree.
- Is Sister Margaret McBride still excommunicated?
- Can unintended bad consequences make an act immoral? Yes.
- Summary of Books by Ron Conte
- new book on the secrets of La Salette
- How soon will Iran have a nuclear bomb?
- Angelic Shepherd and Great Monarch
- The virgin births of Jesus and Mary
- Extremists will soon take control of Iraq
- the Future of the Papacy
- My Predictions for 2012
- What was the sin of Noah’s son, Ham?
- Iran plans new nuclear talks
- GOP Candidates talk tough on Iran
- My comments on Fr. Z.’s predictions for 2012
- Is it heresy to reject the teachings of Vatican II?
- Former CIA and NSA Director on the threat from Iran
- Daniel’s 70 Weeks of Years: an eschatological explanation
- What Conscience Is Not
- Could Jesus Possibly Return At Any Moment? No, not really.
- Radical Shia Eschatology, Iran’s View of the End Times
- Why Iran Won’t Nuke Israel
- Commentary on the new Mass translation by a Bible translator
- Abortion Statistics from a Pro-life Perspective
- After we overturn Roe v. Wade, then what?
- Iran Nuclear Weapons: Decision and Timing
- What If Every Catholic Went To Confession?
- Kathleen Sebelius versus the U.S. Bishops: Payback is a Bitch
- Evaluation of ‘The Warning Second Coming’ messages
- new book on Marital Sexual Ethics
- Abortifacient Contraception for a Medical Purpose
- Catholic Answers Forums promotes abortifacients
- Hypocrisy in the Bishops’ Objection to the HHS Mandate
- Are Good Intentions Sufficient To Make An Act Moral?
- Say the black. Do the red. Or else. PART I
- Say the black. Do the red. Or else. PART II
- Jimmy Akin’s new heresy on transubstantiation
- How To Make A Good Confession
- On Eschatology and Ethics
- Can an intrinsically evil act be justified by a good purpose?
- Christ did not establish the Mass in immutable specifics
- Avoiding marital sexual sins
- Iran’s Progress Toward Nuclear Weapons
- Is it a mortal sin not to fast or abstain from meat during Lent?
- Who will be the next Pope?
- Iran Nuclear Weapons Scenarios
- Reasons why Iran will nuke New York City, not Israel
- Preparing for the Afflictions of the Tribulation
- Will Iran use nuclear weapons as soon as they can?
- Nuke Map — possible location of Iran’s attack on U.S.
- The easiest to learn method of NFP
- A First Strike is the Only Moral Option
- Moral Relativism: legal does not define ethical
- What is Natural Law?
- The basics of Roman Catholic ethics in plain language
- Reading my kindle books without a Kindle device
- The lesbian at a Catholic funeral incident
- Is Pre-emptive War Intrinsically Evil and Always Immoral?
- Is Contraception a Form of Health Care?
- Concerning the teacher of heresy, Michael Voris
- Michael Voris’ Global Warming Conspiracy Theory
- Confession in Kind and Number
- Dangerous Distortions of Doctrine on Just War
- My Predictions for 2012 — Revisited
- How Many Will Be Saved? Refuting the Ultra-conservatives
- Abortion is the Leading Cause of Death in the U.S.
- Do 98% of U.S. Catholic women use contraception?
- The lesbian communion incident: Canon law versus the Eternal Moral Law
- Is it a sin? Food Pantry staff ask food recipients to pray with them
- Iran cannot nuke Israel, because Israel has nuclear missiles
- Birth Control and Church Authority
- Why neither the Pope, nor the body of Bishops, can commit heresy
- Who should be denied Communion under Canon 915?
- Five wounds inflicted on Christ’s Mystical Body through our liturgy
- Judging Persons or Judging Acts
- Upon The Annunciation and Passion Falling Upon One Day
- Has Iran begun to purify weapons-grade uranium?
- New edition of the Secrets of Medjugorje book
- new edition of Pope Pius XII’s Address to Midwives
- The Abortion Vaccine (What fresh Hell is this?)
- Where is Salvation found?
- The Distinction between Direct and Indirect Abortion
- Moral analysis: the Maltese conjoined twins
- Is a Catholic who procures IVF automatically excommunicated? Yes.
- Doctrinal Error in the USCCB Statement on Religious Liberty
- Cardinal Burke’s Error on Contraceptive Coverage
- Iran’s Current Nuclear Weapons Strategy
- Cardinal Schönborn’s grave sin of scandal
- The Kingdom of the Ten Kings
- The CDF versus the LCWR
- Obstacles to the Return of the SSPX to the true Faith
- How the SSPX nullifies the infallibility of the Magisterium
- The Role of the Internet in Triggering the Great Apostasy
- My Eschatology books and booklets
- Contra Taylor Marshall on the year of the Assumption
- Does Contracepted Sex Consummate A Marriage?
- The Martyrdom of Saint Mark and its chronology
- Should non-Catholics be fired for violating Catholic teaching?
- The Warning and the Second Coming
- Is Slavery Intrinsically Evil?
- The LCWR and the mother of all heresies
- Concerning the approval of Bible translations
- Signs that the Great Apostasy is Imminent
- Faithful Dissent versus Blind Obedience
- Diocese Survey finds heresy and apostasy
- The sin of Sodom: unnatural sexual acts
- Morality and the 1% versus the 99%
- Married Deacons and Marital Relations: Church decision
- What Jesus said about homosexuality and same-sex marriage
- Papabile or Not? Cardinal Peter Turkson
- new book on Abortion and Contraception
- Contraception Controversy: the unitive meaning
- Iran’s Progress Toward Nuclear Weapons
- Jimmy Akin versus the Magisterium on Contraception part 1
- Jimmy Akin versus the Magisterium on Contraception, part 2
- part 3: Is Contraception Always Immoral?
- Is Iran enriching uranium to 90% yet?
- Yet Another False Claim About Contraception
- Understanding Accidents, Substance, and the Eucharist
- new booklet on the three days of darkness
- Catholic bloggers who Attack the Sacraments
- Defining Acts versus Non-defining Acts
- CDF notification re: Sr. Margaret Farley
- The Day of the Crucifixion: Friday, Nisan 14
- John Paul II: Contraception is profoundly illicit
- Jimmy Akin debates the Magisterium
- My credentials as a Roman Catholic theologian
- Common Errors on Accidents, Substance, and the Eucharist
- The Near Future of American Politics
- Catholic Confusion on Intention and Moral Object
- On The Marriage Debt
- The Inter-Tribulation Period
- What Are You Doing To Prepare For The Tribulation?
- Do heretics know they are teaching heresy?
- Time, Eternity, Heaven, and God
- The Three Persons of the Trinity are consubstantial
- new booklet on the Nature of God
- 130,000 Patients Euthanized a Year
- When is a lie mortal and when is it venial?
- What is the Kingdom of the Ten Kings?
- Fr. Ryan Erlenbush versus the Magisterium
- Dying in a State of Original Sin Only
- Latest Assessment of Iran’s Nuke Capability
- Do You Disagree? Where’s Your Theological Argument?
- Against Faith-ism and Rational-ism
- On Authority and Theology
- A Review of Site Reviews
- On Speculative Theology and Eschatology
- The sources used in sound Roman Catholic theology
- Prevenient Grace and Subsequent Grace
- Updated article on marital foreplay
- On Faithful Dissent (part 1)
- Fr. Zlatko Sudac: the Angelic Shepherd
- Is lying only immoral if you intend to deceive?
- Quiz on Catholicism 001 — with Answers
- Can a person be not guilty of sin by reason of insanity?
- A Moment of Silence for the Victims
- Are Catholic businesses unwelcome in Boston?
- The Portiuncula indulgence of Saint Francis
- Faithful Dissent and Faithful Disobedience
- Does a Catholic business owner sin by cooperating with the HHS Mandate?
- Is Jesus Locally Present in the Eucharist?
- Why liars don’t go to Heaven
- On Faithful Dissent (part 2)
- The Tribulation: First Seal
- On Generational Curses
- When does the Antichrist arrive?
- The Tribulation: Second Seal
- Commentary on TheWarningSecondComing messages
- The Warning Second Coming: the Book of Truth
- The Tribulation: Third Seal
- TWSC: The Seal of the Living God
- Who is Maria Divine Mercy?
- TWSC: Errors on Purgatory and Hell
- Should you reject the next Pope?
- The Warning Second Coming: eschatological errors
- Voting Ethics and Intrinsic Evil
- The Seal of the Living God
- The False Prophet of the Antichrist
- The Famine is Approaching Fast
- When the great apostasy begins
- Limbo and aborted babies
- Did Christ have Faith and Hope in His Human Nature?
- How should we interpret the story of Noah?
- Roman Catholic teaching on the Islamic Faith
posts 1 to 300 | posts 301 to newest
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